
Demo post — i18n plugin and data files

Blog internationalization using i18n plugin and special data files for common texts

Let`s go!

Hi, in this short post I want to say a few words about internationalization (i18n) feature. All dates in this blog were humanized using Jekyll built-in function. And for their i18n I’ve used i18n filter plugin

And for other common used texts on the website I’ve used special *.yml data file:

	# Category pages settings
	  title_prefix: 'Category: '
	  descr_prefix: 'Blog posts in category «'
	  descr_postfix: '», page '
	# Tag pages settings
	  title_prefix: 'Tag: '
	  descr_prefix: 'Posts tagged «'
	  descr_postfix: '», page '
	# Layout common texts
	scroll-next: 'Let`s go!'
	# Menu
	menu-text: 'Menu'
	# Pagination buttons
	  page_next: 'Newer posts ›'
	  page_prev: '‹ Older posts'
	  post_next: 'Next post ›'
	  post_prev: '‹ Previous post'
	# Post meta
	  author: 'Author'
	  translator: 'translator'
	  source: 'Source'
	  date: 'published'
	  tags: 'Tags'
	  category: 'Category'
	# Page end section
	  title_social: 'Let`s get in touch!'
	  descr_social: 'If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me'
	  title_share: 'Share this post'
	  descr_share: 'If you like this post why don`t you share it with your friends?'
	# Social buttons
	  rss: 'News feed'
	  twitter: 'Follow me on twitter'
	  facebook: 'My Facebook'
	  vkontakte: 'I`m Vkontakte'
	  gplus: 'My Google+'
	  mail: 'Shoot me an email'
	  skype: 'Add me to Skype contacts'
	  git: 'My projects on github'
	  bitbucket: 'Some of my projects on Bitbucket'
	  linkedin: 'My Linkedin profile'
	# Share buttons
	  twitter: 'Share on Twitter'
	  facebook: 'Share on Facebook'
	  vkontakte: 'Share on Vkontakte'
	  gplus: 'Share on Google+'
locales.yml settings

All values were included to the templates, so you could easily change them and copy templates into other project with different texts. It’s very handy thing.

And that’s all, there is no extra things about internationalization. Thanks for watching.

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