Photo from
Hi, this is an additional post, that I’ve wrote to explain some specifics of yaml front matter options that were used in current theme. Let’s start from _config.yml file
# Site settings
# General settings
lang: en #Site language
title: Inclusion jekyll theme #Site title
email: #Site author email
author: Maxim Orlov #Site author name
description: "Responsive blog theme for jekyll website generator" #Site common description
keywords: "jekyll theme, jekyll template, responsive jekyll theme" #Site common keywords
# URL settings
baseurl: "/jekyll-inclusion" # the subpath of your site, e.g. /blog/
url: "" # the base hostname & protocol for your site
home-repo: "" #Site repository
# Social usernames
twitter_username: orlovmax_im
github_username: orlovmax
# fb_username:
# vk_username:
gplus_username: 104202961668156466871
# skype_username:
bitbucket_username: orlovmax
# linkedin_username:
# Multilanguage blog settings: names, base url and current lang
# langs:
# "en": ""
# "ru": ""
# "ua": ""
# lang_current: "ua"
# Default src
start_img: "static/images/bg/start.jpg" #Image for the first screen of the page or post
end_img: "static/images/bg/end.jpg" #Image for the last screen of the page or post
thumb_img: "static/images/pic.jpg" #Image for the post preview
# disqus-code: # Disqus comments code
# Build settings
markdown: kramdown
permalink: /:year/:month/:day/:title/ # Post permalink pattern
paginate: 3 # Post count per page in pagination mode
paginate_path: "page-:num/" # Post pagination pattern
exclude: [
source: _build # Jekyll source folder
destination: _deploy # Generated website folder
# Category pages settings
url: /category/
slug: ''
layout: category.html
# Tag pages settings
url: /tag/
slug: ''
layout: tag.html
Ok, I think that’s clear, we’ve alredy checked general settings. And now let’s talk about YAML fromt matter block for posts or pages. Here is a code from - template for the new posts.
layout: post # Layout of the page
title: "" # Page title
description: "" # Page description
date: y-m-d # Post date
thumb_img: "static/images/post/_PATH/meta/thumb.jpg" # Image for the first screen of the page or post
start_img: "static/images/post/_PATH/meta/start.jpg" # Image for the last screen of the page or post
start_attribution: "" # Attribution for start image
start_blur: true # Add blur for the first screen of post or page
end_img: "static/images/post/_PATH/meta/end.jpg" # Image for the post preview
end_attribution: "" # Attribution for end image
end_blur: true # Add blur for the last screen of post or page
langs: # URL's for different languages
"en": "/"
comments: true # Enable or disable disqus comments
And I think that’s all. Of course there are a few extra options, like this:
color: light # set color scheme for the first and last screens (might be light or dark)
type: page # helper for switching components between different layouts
regenerate: true # page force regenerating while using jekyll incremental build
But you shouldn’t worry about it, it’s just internal things. After a while of usage of this theme I’ve almost forgot about them ;) Thanks for watching.